Purpose. To characterize new combined surgical techniques for the management of malignant glaucoma. Methods. In a retrospective,\ninterventional case series, goniosynechialysis, peripheral iridectomy, zonulo-hyaloidectomy, and anterior vitrectomy,\nwith or without peripheral capsulectomy, were performed on nine eyes. If the patient was phakic, we performed both\nphacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation. Results. Resolution of malignant glaucoma was achieved in all cases with\nanterior chamber deepening. Topical antiglaucoma medications were used to control the intraocular pressure in one eye. No\nrecurrence was observed after a median follow-up of 9 months. No complications occurred during surgery or the postoperative\nperiod. Conclusions. Thecombined surgical methods can completely eliminate blockade and aqueous misdirection and represent a\npromising treatment for malignant glaucoma.